
Poetry | 2016

We’re passed the enchanted August skies

We’re passed the enchanted August skies
And still I turn to you in bed
My eyes can’t decode your style that you’ve held up so well
I knew early on their was a curve to your smile–And polite just wasn’t it
You moved me like a mystic

With hands that touched with depth
And a mind with true conviction,
That read on your skin so smoothly
Your eyes drew out vision,
The sketch was modeled in your manner
Then there were parts and hues of feelings
That unveiled so naturally
and made you beyond a beautiful human

I aimed to know your past
To know true weaknesses of a man
And it’s still the intangible things, that in my eyes, make you truly blessed

I used to wonder some summer nights
If we’d see a second summer
Still learning we were part of nature
And with that thought I’d cry a little

The hollow of your breath still scares me
When you speak such words to sooth
In them I take the partial uncertainty
And make it into nothingness
But it’s still as night in dreams, and the nothingness becomes something

Though its with your stride,
Your presence,
Your arms wrapped around me,
Feelings we have with our eyes closed and our hearts open
Our worries emptied
The thought of forever clutched in our fists
Our souls breathing and feeding off another
That I think to write this
That is that, I thank you above all

That despite these bad dreams
You are the sky and I am the ocean
I reflect the color that you are

I am present
I am present in your patience
I am present in your kindness
I am present
I am present in your soul
That tickles mine
As an act of true love at its finest

And so I thank you for all the world is here
I never felt with you I was small
Conscious I am living only half believing sometimes
Learning to smile to keep the sun up
I am working, as you are
And the strength I see in you is for sure a rare star in the sky
If somedays you are the muse to my art
And some days I shall forget
There are endless things–you know yourself–to put love in
And to that you are the best!


My becoming was like my eyes slowly

shadowing my vision

I was tired

and of the skies

I’d ask what do you love again?

instead of twisting

my words into

tear shaped ships

and my truths

into firecrackers

to myself

I’d say

there is one truth

if not for me,

then for you

like twins inside me I’d pick myself up

and say with peace

there is a difference

My heart never hesitates

To feel the words in multiple ways

Which is to say I still study your face

And I’ve watched your soul in dark hours

hold grace with two hands

How if you could see what you embody

My love you’d see it all

For a beautiful mind doesn’t just bloom

By wishing for the rain to fall

You are and more

The star, the arms, the stronghold for my fears,

the reason for endless smiles behind some ancient tears

The only one holding

When I feel I’ve lost my spark

You are the last thought for me

When all is in the dark

Holding them

Your hands

Make me forget when I used to ask

for strength when I was feeble

To think it were to last

Your being takes me to a winter night

Yes that one winter

When we took an off path

And made it feel so fictional

and still

You wanted the night to last longer

So when you own the way

I follow your steps, while mine

Follows me to you

to say:

How I know now what can be true  

That the nature of men is love

If not just in you, all else

That there is good out there

And to some courageous few that’s fruit to the eyes

Even to feel love most when in despair

Like ones who naturally guide

And though not everyday I seem to know it

That arrangements of art in the stars

Also make up human parts

It’s pure

As pure I Am

As pure as you with me

The wanderlust doth grow in two

If not through sanctity

My heart dies in a sunset

Hey my own perfection can not speak with you