
Poetry | 2013

The Rational and The Lover

I have lost my words in your words.

In this battle of The Rational and The Lover,


I lost in our disaccord.

For two reasons all should know:

Because what can the Lover do without another lover?

And because love will let it go.


Still and sweet the images

That’s why I cannot miss

When I was your wall to talk to

Or your baby that you kiss


The sudden turn of feelings

Oh when we could not express

Why our tomorrow was set in stone

Though some present days a mess


I follow at your lead

But do let me look back

On those days

When we thought it fine to say:

I love you and that is that


I cannot weep anymore

Because I did my part

Though my luck has never done me right

That we end with broken hearts


I cannot seem to place

Another stranger in your home

Because I cannot let go

Of things I used to own


If you understand your baby

Know that I am half insane

That love to me is everything

Yet I lost at my own game

Just to Dream Again With Me

We dreamed and then

The dream was over

in a night.

He forgot who I was.

Love of my life,

was insane with insomnia.

He would not sleep

in bed again.

‘Less he was asleep inside

his head.

Each night I asked him

to sleep again.

Sometimes he tried

when I would weep.

Each day I hoped that

he would sleep.

Just to dream again

with me.

Writing Poems

Flux of sentiment is my curse

Obsessive and over rehearsed

Are these kinds of words written in a verse

The realms they serve to be stasis

Each line

Amended and unwasted

The impulse slightly evasive

Yet where my soul’s testimonies are created


I’m tired

But you know my history

Though somedays you make me want to change my style

I gain momentum from underneath you

Even if your shadows are casted for miles

In the summer

You turned weary

And like the trees changed leaves

That fell to your feet from last autumn

You can change the color of leaves

Somedays I can cling to skinny dreams

That make me somber on most days

You tell me to hold my chin

Yet my dreams from under your shadows are dimmed

I’m hindered with an elusive aura

I think I’m like the air

Feel me fresh and cool

Or just need me, to breath, to live

Victory is not my unconditioned sacrifice

But I swear if I could

I’d coexist

Even if you never plant the seeds to grow your orchards

You are larger than anything

Words from your lips trip me up

Like walking on a winter morning

Through a blizzard

And to my home

I can feel a fire’s flame when we’re pass the storms

I won’t stay inside

And I can’t decide if it’s you speaking through me

You chiseled my different visions to forms that don’t fit in my eyes

Beneath your neck while in bed

I see them more clearly

Holding my head up while I do

The skies have become my place

Even on days that they’re more gray

I’m seeing for you, so I can see for me too


My dreams won’t lean

But instead stand on two feet

I can change my ways

I’m tired

But one of these days